About Me

First of all, I'm a college student. I'm currently taking up Information Technology at Asia Pacific College. My hobbies are; making art(drawing,sketching,painting,clay molding,etc.), watching anime(all genre, except bishounen/male harem), playing computer games, collecting gundam models, and swimming. My interest are looking at art works, anime, and the latest technological gadgets, which includes cellphones, handheld gaming devices, computer specs, and many more.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ART in Star City !!!

Star City Amusement Park!!!
*Let's go and see some of it's attractions!

The Amusement Park!

The Rides !!! From Kiddie Rides to Adult Rides !

The Kiddie Rides

The Adult Rides

Some other Attractions

                 Star City is a commendable amusement park, for it has a wide selection of Rides to choose from. Aside from rides, it also has a lot of exciting and interesting attractions like the Snow World, Dino Island,  Land of Giants, Peter Pan, and many more. In relation to the subject Art, there's quite a lot of art forms that can be seen inside and outside of the amusement park. Let's first start from the outside. From outside one can see the entrance to the amusement park, but the entrance looks nothing like an ordinary entrance. The entrance is structured and designed to show the amusement park's attractions through giant character models and mascots of it's rides and attractions. Now, from inside the amusement park. Inside the amusement park, of course, there are a lot of rides, and the design, structure, and function of each ride is what attracts people to ride it. Like the Magic tea cup, Grand Carousel, Quack-quack, Spring Ride, Surf Dance, Star Flyer, and many more, each kind of ride has its own unique design which will appear attractive to people, and most of the times, gives hint to people of how the ride functions. Other than Rides, the Star City also has other attractions like Snow world, Peter Pan, and Dino Island, which are places designed to imitate a certain place or time, whether it is fictional or real. Dancing, acting, and singing are also held of inside the amusement park. So, it can be seen that various art form can be seen in the amusement park like architecture, industrial art, theater art, and fashion.

Source of the Images:



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